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There is something about the energy of spring that gets me feeling’ frisky. The birds wake me before dawn and I rise, eager for longer days. Spring is a time of high prana, expansion, can activity. It is a time of growth. A time to shake up our routine and try something new.

Stepping out of our comfort zone

I vividly recall walking into my first dance class as an adult. Lacing up my brand new tap shoes and shuffle-ball-changing (with two left feet) across the floor was an enormous stretch for my body and my ego. This was way out of my league, but I was on a roll.

As new resident of the front range, I had recently discovered I had a breathtaking fear of heights. If I was going to call CO my new home, this would have to be addressed. Before I could change my mind, I hastily signed up for a climbing class at the local REI. I was soon hooked on the exhilaration that comes with scaling the sheer face of a rock wall (as long as I didn’t look down).

And now here I was, a year later, exploring something else that scared the bejeezus out of me: dancing. Dancing both with, and in front of, other people. The instructor convinced me to stick around after the tap class to observe the next class. I’d never heard of Appalachian clogging. From the moment I heard the banjo blaze through the intro to Rocky Top, I was hooked. Although I’d never worn tap shoes (or rhinestones or cowboy hats) in my life, I set my pride aside, stepped onto the wood dance floor, and kicked up some serious moves for the next 10 years with a wonderful group of women. The result? I got in better shape, stretched my mind, challenged my body, overcame fears, and made friends I still have today.

4 women in black cowboy hats, sequins and fringe shirts.

The heightened energy of spring is the perfect time to get out of your comfort zone and shake things up; physically as well as mentally. A good friend of mine just took up pottery. Another friend has begun fitness pole dancing while another is rowing for the first time; on an actual river! In Episode 4 of the Live Your Age Podcast, you’ll find the Ayurvedic approach to springing into action.

Here are some additional ideas for breathing new energy into your movement game:

  • Take a hike
  • Join a running group
  • Find a partner (or 3) for accountability
  • Set a goal such as Couch to 5K
  • Get on the water – kayak, stand up paddleboard, rowing
  • Walk or jog a track at the local high school or better yet …
  • Walk or run the bleachers!

Do you notice a theme? Studies show that exercise increases cognitive function however, exercising outside results in a greater increase than the same activity done inside! So rather than hitting the gym, hit the woods instead.

Or perhaps the dance floor. 😉