#yogachurch Books & Brunch Club will meet quarterly on Zoom after our Sunday morning practice.
There is no additional charge, we will simply gather for a chai chat and a round-robin discussion of 4 books over the course of 2023.
Sunday, March 5
Change Your Schedule, Change Your Life
Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar
Our first book is an excellent reminder of the importance of aligning our body clocks with nature – something that can be challenging for all of us, but particularly kapha types and especially during kapha season (late winter/early spring).
Sunday, June 4
Yoga for a World Out of Balance
Michael Stone
A well-reviewed book exploring how to bring our practice off the mat and into the world using the 5 yamas as a jumping-off place. I’m excited to read this perspective of the yamas and how we can best “live” our yoga.
Sunday, September 10
What My Bones Know
Stephanie Foo
As a memoir, book #3 has numerous stellar reviews. I have heard it is rather intense upfront but moves into a story of hope and healing.
Sunday, December 3
How We Live is How We Die
Pema Chodron
It seems appropriate we bring the year to a close with Pema Chodron’s new release on dying. I’m a big fan of hers and am excited to explore her teachings on this topic with you.
Looking forward to sharing space and conversation in the Digital Temple with you this year!
xo – lb